April 10-12, 2022 | Lucerne, Switzerland
Event Details
April 10-12, 2022
Lucerne, Switzerland
Event Website
Visit: https://smarterhealthcare.ch/welcome.html
Register starting Friday, December 17th, 2021:
About the meeting
The Wennberg International Collaborative Spring Policy Meeting is hosted by the Wennberg International Collaborative (WIC) and the National Research Program 74 “Smarter Health Care” (NRP 74) of the Swiss National Science Foundation. The conference will be a synthesis of NRP 74’s research regarding the utilization of health care services in Switzerland, which includes unwarranted variation and how to improve care and coordination of patients with chronic illness. The conference brings together Swiss and international healthcare experts and links researchers and policy makers in the healthcare field.
Paper/Poster Presentations
WIC members will have the opportunity to present research orally or by poster on Sunday, April 10, and Tuesday morning, April 12.
Abstract submissions are currently closed.
Please refer to the following details for poster presentation and format.
Download the agenda for the conference here. A map of Luzern featuring relevant hotels and conference venues can be found below.
Conference Packet
Download the conference packet.
Please note this is a password protected file. Contact the WIC for more information.
Conference Presentations
Anant Jani (England)
Variation in the Use of Non-Medical Intervention in England
Stef Groenewoud (The Netherlands)
Should Geography Be Destiny? Ethical Reflections Upon Regional Variation in the Incidence of Euthanasia
Rebekah Davis (United States)
Is Growth in U.S. Neonatal Intensive Care Capacity in Accordance with Perinatal Risk? A Study of Regional Variation Over Time
Marcia Makdisse (Brazil)
Substantial Unwarranted Variation in Caesarean Sections in the Brazilian Public Health System: Findings from Brazilian Atlas of Variation
Maria Trottman (Switzerland)
Small Area Variation in the Rates of Vitamin D Testing in Switzerland – A Retrospective Database Study
Eva Stensland (Norway)
The Norwegian Healthcare Quality Atlas
Francisco von Hafe (Portugal)
Unwarranted Variation in Cesarian Section and Hip Fracture Surgeries Within the First 48 Hours After Admission in Patients Older Than 65 Years Rates in Portugal
Troels Kristensen (Denmark)
Increasing Capitation in Mixed Remuneration Schemes: Effects on Service Provision
Jostein Grytten (Norway)
The Impact of Primary Care Physician Density on Perinatal Health: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
About the sponsors
National Research Program (NRP) 74 “Smarter Healthcare”
NRP 74 is a 5 year program of the Swiss National Science Foundation. The main goals of the new NRP are to provide insights into the health care structure and utilization in Switzerland and into ways of improving health outcomes with a particular focus on prevention and the treatment of chronic conditions.
Wennberg International Collaborative
The collaborative was founded in 2010 with the goal to accelerate research into the causes and consequences of unwarranted health care variation across regions and providers.
Contact Us
Please email wennberg.collaborative@dartmouth.edu with any questions or to be added to our mailing list.