September 18-19, 2014 | London, UK
Event Details
September 18-19, 2014
The Royal College of Surgeons, London, UK
Conference Reception & Dinner
Reception on September 17th at The George IV Pub
Dinner on September 18th at The Waldorf Hilton
Conference Materials & Downloads
Conference Presentations
Divya Srivastava
Geographic variations in health care: What do we know and what can be done to improve health system performance?
Arnaud Fouchard
The French policy on medical practice variations
Luke Slawomirski
Exploring healthcare variation in Australia
Stef Groenewoud
How to disclose understandable information about unwarranted variation for the public?
Thérèse Stukel
Variations in quality indicators across physician networks
Enrique Bernal-Delgado
Adding time-dependent effects to the evaluation of geographic variation
Bill Davenhall
Getting noticed: Telling better stories
Claudia Berlin
Variation of treatment of acute myocardial infarction in Swiss hospitals: Do hospital and regional characteristics matter?
Radoslaw Panczak
The geography of end of life care in Switzerland
Xhyljeta Luta
Variation in mental health care use at the end of life in Switzerland
Brendon Kearney
Demonstrating the benefits of a National Data Linkage Infrastructure
Dominik Graf von Stillfried
To what extent do we need to take account of systematic relationships between inpatient and outpatient care when analyzing regional variation?