September 2-4, 2015 | London, UK
Event Details
September 2-4, 2015
The Royal College of Surgeons, London, UK
Conference Reception and Dinner
Reception on September 2 at the New Academic Building at the London School of Economics
Dinner on September 3 from at Simpson’s-in-the-Strand
Conference Materials
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Conference Presentations
Jörg Bätzing-Feigenbaum
Longitudinal regional analyses of antibiotic consumption in statutory health care insured patients in Germany Since 2008
Mike Barry
Getting to the Right Rate: The Role of Informed Patients
Enrique Bernal-Delgado
Variation in excess cases of adverse events amenable to health care: Low value care with budgetary impact
Marina Davoli
Geographic variation of access and outcome of health care in Italy: Estimating the role of hospital and primary care
Elliott Fisher
Policy and payment responses to variation in health care value
Sandra Garcia-Armnesto
Developing a disinvestment strategy for the Spanish National Health Service
Catherine Gerard
Engaging with policymakers to address the findings of variations analyses
David Goodman
Regional variation in newborn special care in the United States
Brendon Kearney
Population Health Research Network: Activities and Opportunities
lmo Keskimäki
Investigating geographic and time trends for equity in healthcare
Céu Mateus
A spatiotemporal analysis of C-section rates in Portuguese NHS hospitals
Grégoire Mercier
Geographic Variation in Potentially Avoidable Hospitalizations in the Languedoc-Roussillon Region, France
Sabina Nuti
Variation in primary care: Insights from the Tuscany region
Frede Olesen
Towards explanations of variation
Dominik von Stillfried
Variation in ambulatory care for non-institutionalized patients with dementia in Germany
Philipp Storz-Pfennig
Problems with Medical Science”: Perception of research needs in the Dartmouth Atlas publications from 1996 to the present
William Weeks
Substantial geographic variation in French mental health admission rates suggest cultural differences in admitting practices
Bertelsmann Stiftung
The Dartmouth Institute For Health Policy and Clinical Practice
The London School of Economics and Political Science