September 11-13, 2017 | Oxford, UK
Event Details
September 11-13, 2017
Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, UK
Conference Reception & Dinner
Reception on Monday, September 11, 2017
Dinner on Tuesday, September 12, 2017
The Fall Reserach Meeting is convened by invitation and the WIC prioritizes attendance for early investigators and those from countries where the study of health care variation is less developed. To inquire about registration, please email:
Conference Materials
Download the agenda
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Mark Adams (Switzerland)
Regional Practice and Outcome Differences Between Two Neonatal Networks
Mark Adams (Switzerland)
Intensity of perinatal care in Switzerland: Does it affect outcome?
Sanghyun Cho (Republic of Korea)
Regional Practice Variation in Diabetic care: A Perspective of Care Quality
Dan Culica (USA)
Utilizing Payment Reform to Reduce Unwarranted Variation in Medicaid Managed Care Program
Cecilie Daugaard (Denmark)
Unwarranted socioeconomic variation in access to palliative care in a tax-financed health care system: Drug reimbursement due to terminal illness in Denmark
Marina Davoli (Italy)
Overuse and Underuse of Follow-Up Tests After Breast Cancer Surgery: Exploring Variation within the Lazio Region, Italy
Jostein Grytten (Norway)
Does the use of diagnostic technology reduce fetal mortality?
Catherine Gerard (New Zealand)
Reducing unwarranted variation in New Zealand
Dougal Hargreaves (UK)
How Much Variation in Paediatric Epilepsy Admission Rates in England Can Be Explained by Variation in Unit-Level Performance in The National Clinical Audit (Epilepsy12)?
Ilir Hoxha (Kosovo)
Caesarean sections and private insurance: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Brendon Kearney (Australia)
Healthcare Variation in Oncology: A Snapshot of Linked Data Research in Australia
Hyun Joo Kim (Republic of Korea)
Regional Variation Of Mortality Within 1 Year After Acute Myocardial Infarction And Factors Affecting Mortality
Pia Kristensen (Denmark)
Is high quality of care associated with higher costs
Daniel Lungu (Italy)
Managing waiting times and avoidable variations in elective surgery: the case of Tuscany Region
Sabina Nuti (Italy)
Measuring Avoidable Variation Following the Patient Care Path: The Italian Experience
Frank Olsen (Norway)
Relation between morbidity and intervention for coronary heart disease
Milo Puhan (Switzerland)
Quantitative Benefit Harm Assessment to Explore Preference Sensitive Treatment Decisions
Gert Westert (The Netherlands)
Timetrends in Medical Practice Variation and the Influence of Public Reporting
The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice
The London School of Economics & Political Science
Poster Design: Hutchins Media – (C) 2017
Photography: Richard Budd – (C) 2017