New Zealand

Journal Articles


Jinfeng Zhao, Sheree Gibb, Rod Jackson et. al. Constructing whole of population cohorts for health and social research using the New Zealand Integrated Data Infrastructure. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 2018.


Dalbeth N, Gow P, Jackson G, et. al. Gout in Aotearoa New Zealand: are we going to ignore this for another 3 years? New Zealand Medical Journal. 2016.

Davis A, Davis K, Gerard C, et. al. Opioid rain: opioid prescribing is growing and practice is diverging. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2016.

Hamblin R, Bohm G, Gerard C, et. al. The measurement of New Zealand health care. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2016.

Jackson G, Dalbeth N, Te Karu L, et. al. Variation in gout care in Aotearoa New Zealand: a national analysis of quality markers.” New Zealand Medical Journal. 2016.


Jackson G, Gerard C, Minko N, Parsotam N. Variation in benzodiazepine and antipsychotic use in people aged 65 years and over in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Medicine. 2014.

Nixon G; Samaranayaka A, et al. Geographic disparities in the utilisation of computed tomography scanning services in southern New Zealand. Health Policy. 2014.

Exeter DJ; Zhao J; Hanham G; Grey C; Wells S; Kerr A. Construction and use of mapping techniques to describe the geographical distribution of medication dispensing for the secondary prevention of atherosclerotic CVD in New Zealand: VIEW-2. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2014.

Grey C; Wells S; Exeter DJ; Hanham G; Zhao J; Kerr AJ. Stakeholder engagement for the New Zealand Atlas of Healthcare Variation: cardiovascular disease secondary prevention: VIEW-3. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2014.


Graham P, Martin G, Fraser JFJ, et al. Equity of access and variation in general surgeons’ clinical judgements of patient priority. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine. 2012.


Barnett R, Malcolm L. GP practice variation in hospitalisation rates: a study of partnership health-enrolled patients. Journal of Primary Health Care. 2010.


Raymont A. Hospital discharges in New Zealand 1991-2005: changes over time and variation between districts. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2008.


Malcolm L. Trends in hospital bed utilisation in New Zealand 1989 to 2006: more or less beds in the future? New Zealand Medical Journal. 2007.


Health Quality & Safety Commission

The Atlas of Healthcare Variation


Health Quality & Safety Commission

A Window on the Quality of New Zealand’s Health Care 2017

Addressing unwarranted variation: Literature review on methods for influencing practice.

Variation and improving services: Analysing and interpreting variation.

Variation in medical practice: literature review and discussion.