Journal Articles
Hoxha I, Fejza A, Aliu M, et al. Health system factors and caesarean sections in Kosovo: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2019.
Hoxha I, Syrogiannouli L, Luta X, Tal K, Goodman DC, Costa BR, Jüni P. Caesarean sections and for-profit status of hospitals: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2017.
Hoxha I, Busato A, Luta X. Medical Practice Variations in Reproductive, Obstetric, and Gynecological Care. Singer. 2016.
Bloom, J D. Hoxha, I. Sambunjak, D. Sondorp, E., Ethnic segregation in Kosovo’s post-war health care system. European Journal of Public Health. 2007.